Will My CBD & THC Products Go Bad?

Will My CBD & THC Products Go Bad?

Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products have seen a meteoric rise in popularity over the years due to consumers’ appreciation of hemp-derived benefits. One common question consumers ask when purchasing CBD and THC items is if they will spoil. The answer: yes. How quickly they spoil depends on the product type, cannabinoid content, production process…

Delta 8, Delta 9, HHC & THC-O: Legality of Your Favorite Cannabinoid

Delta 8, Delta 9, HHC & THC-O: Legality of Your Favorite Cannabinoid

As innovative technology graces its presence within the hemp industry, the emergence of new cannabinoids is at an all time high. If you’re a regular consumer of hemp-based products, you may find yourself wondering about the legality of psychoactive cannabinoids such as Delta 8 THC, Delta 9 THC, HHC, and THC-O. Whether you’re smoking a…

How is Delta 8 Made?

How is Delta 8 Made?

How is delta 8 THC made? Is it made by a bunch of lab-coated serious-looking chemists in a white-walled pristine lab? Probably but if you thought delta 8 is too complicated to conjure, think again. It’s actually less complex but that doesn’t mean the process should go unsupervised. Let’s go look at the basic process…

Delta-8 THC: Psychoactive But Less Potent Than D-9

Delta-8 THC: Psychoactive But Less Potent Than D-9

Potency, concentration, and strength; are all words used to describe the effectiveness of the chemical compounds produced by cannabis and hemp plants. For consumers, potency matters. It can represent value for money and can influence the overall experience one might have. In this article from The Hemp Doctor, we’ll compare the potency, effects, legality, and…