How to Use CBD Tincture: A Comprehensive Guide

Woman holding a glass dropper

There are many ways to enjoy CBD’s therapeutic benefits, each with unique advantages. But the CBD product that offers the most versatility may be the tincture. This simple liquid form of CBD can be used in various ways and offers discretion, convenience, and easy portioning.

If you’re new to CBD, you may not know how to use CBD tinctures, let alone what it is in the first place. Once you’ve learned, it will likely be your favorite consumption method. To catch you up to speed on this fantastic product, take a look at this comprehensive guide.

What Are CBD Tinctures?

A CBD tincture is a liquid version of CBD. These products are stored in conveniently marked dropper bottles for easy portioning and a wide range of applications. Their liquid is primarily CBD extract plus a carrier oil that optimizes absorption. These products can come in numerous flavors to enhance your experience.

So what are tinctures used for exactly? Essentially, they are an alternative way of administrating smoke-free, vape-free CBD. They can be used to explore CBD’s various therapeutic benefits, but that’s not what makes them unique from other CBD products.

This distinction lies in their ability to be added to food or drink, used sublingually, or applied topically. While other products have different advantages, this wide range of applications is only offered by liquid CBD.

CBD Tincture vs. Oil

There is one other liquid CBD product you’ll likely come across — CBD oil. These products are similar to tinctures except for a few minor differences. For one, tinctures are created using an alcohol-based extract, while oils are CBD-infused.

Remember that there is no alcohol in a tincture, as it is removed before the product is bottled. The other most notable difference is that tinctures tend to have a higher concentration of CBD and, therefore, are more potent.

What Is CBD Used for? The Broad Spectrum of CBD Applications

CBD, or cannabidiol, is known for its potential to alleviate tension and promote relaxation without inducing the psychoactive effects associated with THC. Additionally, research suggests CBD might have anti-inflammatory properties, making it a potential option for managing pain and certain skin conditions.

If you want to learn how to use tinctures to improve your wellness, you’ll want to explore the different benefits of CBD itself.

Discomfort Relief

CBD has been studied for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and the results have been encouraging. Many users report that CBD products help relieve aches, stiffness, soreness, and general physical discomfort.

Mood Boost

Users also report that CBD offers a potent relaxing effect that may help alleviate mental discomfort on top of any physical pain they may be experiencing. That can help boost your mood and allow you to destress with an all-natural remedy.

Relief from Sleep Issues

Both physical and mental discomfort can contribute to poor sleep habits, which, in turn, can result in psychological and physical health issues. CBD’s relief may help you get into the right state of mind to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Relief From Stomach Issues

Studies have been conducted into CBD’s ability to alleviate nausea and vomiting symptoms in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. If you’re suffering from similar stomach issues, you may be able to find some relief using a tincture or other CBD product.

Appetite Reduction

While CBD’s cannabinoid cousin, THC, is renowned for inspiring a potent appetite, CBD may offer the opposite effect. The endocannabinoid system’s CB1 receptors release hunger hormones when stimulated, but CBD is believed to be a CB1 antagonist, meaning it may block the release of those hormones.

How Much Tincture Oil Should I Take?

Knowing how to use CBD tinctures is part of the learning process. While it’s not dangerous to overdo it on CBD, it may come with unwanted side effects, such as dry mouth, fatigue, and nausea. Avoiding those issues is as simple as getting your portioning down right.

Determining Your Serving Size

There is no one-size-fits-all portion of CBD tincture, but there is a simple equation you can go by to get a solid estimate. Just go with 1-5 mg per 10 pounds of body weight, and you have your range of serving sizes. If you’re 150 pounds, a small portion of CBD is 15 mg, and a large one is 75 mg.

Experimenting With Your Tincture

You’ll want to start with a small serving size to enjoy all the potential therapeutic relief of CBD and avoid any side effects. People react slightly differently to CBD, so a low portion may be perfect for you. If not, you can always adjust the dosage.

You’ll need to experiment to get it right, but your best bet is to start low and see how it goes, then add more as necessary.

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Use CBD Tincture

Now that you know how to take tinctures without unpleasant side effects, it’s time to explore all the various applications. So what is tincture used for that makes it so versatile, convenient, and popular?

Add to Food and Drink

CBD edibles are incredible, but they come ready-made and don’t leave room for much creativity. Conversely, tinctures allow you to turn just about anything you want into a CBD edible. You can add a few drops to a drink or incorporate some into your favorite recipe and enjoy all those potential therapeutic benefits while enjoying a delicious meal.

You may opt for the naturally flavored CBD tincture if you’re looking for a versatile food or drink ingredient. However, other flavors can add even more depth to your recipe if they pair well with whatever you are cooking or drinking.

Drop Under Your Tongue

For users wondering how to take CBD oil in a way that provides fast-acting effects and maximizes bioavailability, a few drops under your tongue is the best way to go. That is because you will sublingually absorb CBD into your body rather than send it through your digestive system.

Digesting CBD will not only cause it to take longer to kick in, but it will lose some of the beneficial cannabinoids in the process.

Apply Topically

Topical application is an excellent option if you want to know how to use CBD oil for fast-acting targeted relief. While this is not the most common way to use a tincture, it is effective.

Applying your tincture directly to problem areas allows it to absorb directly into the skin to alleviate any achiness, stiffness, or soreness you may be experiencing. This method limits the range of effects you’ll enjoy, but if you aim to relieve physical discomfort in a specific area, there is no better way to do it.

Combine With THC

CBD is non-psychoactive, so you will not feel high using it. This fact is a big plus to some, but if you enjoy the euphoric buzz of THC along with your CBD, you can always combine the two.

Using your tincture with some Delta-9 THC can add some recreational enjoyment and allow for the “entourage effect.” This phenomenon occurs when multiple cannabinoids are taken in tandem, enhancing their effects while also providing unique benefits.

If you live somewhere where cannabis is illegal, you can still enjoy these benefits by opting for some Delta-8 THC. Delta-8 is very similar to the more well-known Delta-9 THC. Its high has been reported to be slightly less potent and without the anxiety and paranoia that Delta-9 can sometimes incur.

Empower Your Wellness Journey With The Hemp Doctor

CBD tinctures are becoming popular due to their discreet and convenient administration, allowing users to easily incorporate CBD into their daily routines. The sublingual absorption method offers rapid onset of effects, making tinctures a popular choice for those seeking quick relief.

If you are interested in CBD tinctures, shop The Hemp Doctor’s online store today. We are dedicated to helping people explore the benefits of Hemp/CBD in their health and wellness journeys.