Is THCA Flower Sprayed? A Closer Look At THCA Production

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THCA flower is a cannabis bud carrying high concentrations of the non-psychoactive compound THCA, or tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. As THCA flowers are becoming mainstream, people are becoming particular about the quality and origin of the flowers they’re shopping for. 

Lately, questions like “Is THCA flower sprayed?” are popping up in forums online. People want to know whether their THCA buds are authentic or have undergone the controversial “flower spraying” process. 

In this article, you will learn how to distinguish sprayed from organically-grown THCA flowers, along with context on why flower spraying is practiced. 

THCA Flower Can Be Sprayed or Grown Naturally 

Before being sold to consumers, THCA buds are grown in controlled set-ups. Hemp is grown according to the grower’s objectives, such as to hasten growth, cut costs, increase potency, or breed a plant with a specific THCA percentage. 

Growers include cultivating strategies like flower spraying to help shape the ideal traits of a mature-for-harvest THCA-rich cannabis plant. It’s important to note that there are several types of flower spraying. Some of the common ones are the following:

Flower Spraying TypesUse
PesticidesTo ward off plant diseases and pests like aphids and botrytis
Growth-enhancing solutions like nutrients and fertilizersSpeed up the growing process
Specialized solutions containing compounds like THCALace the buds with a THCA-rich solution to increase the THCA percentage

Some of the THCA flowers sold online or in dispensaries may have been sprayed on. However, it’s not impossible to find THCA flowers free from flowering sprays and painstakingly grown organically. 

With that said, here are some of the differences between organically-grown THCA flowers and sprayed-on THCA buds:

DifferencesSprayed THCA hemp flowerSpray-free THCA hemp flower
Cultivation MethodSolutions meant to enhance are sprayed on hemp buds. Cultivated using organic and natural methods. 
Quality and FlavorMay or may not have the same richness as organically-grown THCA hemp. Spray-ons may alter some of the wild traits of cannabis. Has the full expression of the wild terpene and cannabinoid profile, adding to the richness of the smoking experience.
At the same time, it may have an inconsistent terpene and cannabinoid profile. 
Health ImpactCompounds added in spraying solutions may not be well-studied.Has a lesser risk of contamination. Hence, generally perceived as healthier. 
Impact on the environmentSome chemicals in the solution may leave environmental footprints even in small quantities, once done frequently. Has a lesser undesirable impact on the environment as organic farming is perceived to be sustainable and clean. 
LegalitySynthetic cannabinoids sprayed on hemp flowers might pose some legal consequences in some regions. Organic farming in general has fewer legal restrictions. 

How Is THCA Flower Made: Natural vs. Sprayed

To see the contrast between cultivating organic and sprayed THCA-rich flowers in an outdoor set-up, here’s an outline of each method: 

Hemp Farming Organic Style

See the basic principles of growing THCA hemp seeds in a spray-free style. 

  1. Choose THCA-rich cannabis strain seeds

The first order of business is to select cannabis flowering seeds that are genetically rich in THCA. Also, you need to consider several things, like:

  • Would the cannabis seeds acclimate to your country’s climate?
  • What would you prefer, auto-flowering or feminized seeds?”
  1. Preparation of organic soil

Next, prepare the soil in which your cannabis seeds will germinate. Organic loam soil should be rich in key nutrients and also with organisms like bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, and worms. 

  1. Setting up garden beds or containers

Choose the best growing set-up: garden beds or containers?

Garden beds are patches of fertile soil that allow root penetration. It’s typically seen in outdoor hemp farming. Meanwhile, containers are movable, large pots that work for hybrid types of set-ups (indoor and outdoor). 

4. Introduce macro, micronutrients, and organic fertilizers in the soil

Instead of spraying, nutrients and organic fertilizers are introduced to the soil. It’s important to note that cannabis strains have varied nutrient diets, but they mainly need macronutrients and micronutrients to grow.

MacronutrientsMicronutrientsOrganic fertilizers
ZincIronWorm castings
MagnesiumManganeseBone meal

Sprayed THCA Hemp Process

Assuming you’ve accomplished the basic growing process of THCA hemp. At this point, you’re preparing for the spraying stage. Here’s how this phase is prepared:

1. Preparing the spraying solution

Combine the additives in the correct ratio with water. According to the type of desired spraying solution, it may contain parts of THCA extract, colorants, fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals. 

2. Spraying the solution 

Damaged or dead hemp flowers are removed, while healthy flowers are positioned in a way where trichomes can be evenly sprayed. Spraying the solution may only require the use of manual misters, while hemp farms operating in large areas may need specialized equipment. 

3. Drying the flowers

Spraying solutions can dry on their own accord, but to expedite the process, farmers use heat or air circulation. 

Overall, you’ll see that the two growing methods are pretty much the same, except for the flower spraying part. Also, note that in organic hemp farming, enriching the soil is the priority. 

How to Indentify Spray-Free THCA Hemp?

It’s hard to pinpoint which THCA-rich buds are free from chemical sprays and which aren’t. This is unless you ask the grower directly or the packaging label decides to print this information. However, there are indicators that you can use to separate sprayed THCA buds from spray-free ones. 

Dig in to get to know them. 

Clue #1: Comes from reputable brands known to source or grow organic and clean hemp flowers

Since these huge brands have a reputation to uphold, when they label their products “organic,” they mean it. Additionally, they make sure to work within the bounds of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and state-based hemp cultivation standards. 

Even if they do practice spraying, the solution isn’t meant to disrupt the inherent percentage of THCA. Also, the ingredients used are compliant and safe. 

🕵️ How do you know if a brand is reputable?

A few key factors inform customers that they’re dealing with a legitimate cannabis business. Some tell-tale signs are if:

– The business has been established for some time now (3 years and above)
– They’re transparent about what they sell, who they are, and how to contact them
– They have a clean record online whenever you search for their brand name
– They’re offering realistic claims

Clue #2: Has labels “spray-free,” “non-sprayed,” “chemical-free,” “synthetic-free,” “organic,” and the like

The Hemp Doctor's organic practice icon s

Rarely, organic labels might look like gimmicks, but if something is worth mentioning, brands won’t hesitate to let potential customers know. Thus, it’s important to pay attention when product labelling includes organic connotations. They’re usually mostly true. 

✅ Pro Tip

If you happen to shop in a dispensary, get acquainted with the budtender, and he’ll tell you all the secrets of a THCA flower brand. Don’t forget to ask for organic certifications for good measure. 

Clue #3: Organic marketing feels credible and is backed by reviewers and users online

The Hemp Doctor's five start reviews

As a shopper, you’re equipped with good discerning power over what feels gimmicky and what feels authentic. Trust your judgement and try to research more on what users comment about the hemp product. 

For example, lurk on online forums like Reddit, Trustpilot, and Quora for exclusive reviews and comments about a certain hemp product. Also, you can post your questions about a product. If it’s relevant enough, you will receive tons of expert and raw answers from real product users. 

Clue #4: Produced from states where THCA-rich hemp is legal

States that legalize hemp have a set of prerequisites for those seeking a license to grow hemp for business. This is why it makes perfect sense to believe the “spray-free” label of a product cultivated in a jurisdiction where hemp has been made legal. 

📚 Helpful Article

THCA is one of the most legally misunderstood cannabinoids. To give more clarity to its legal standing, read the following sources:

Is THCA legal?Is THCA Legal? The State Line is the Bottom Line

Clue #5: Certificate of Analysis 

The Hemp Doctor's COA's

Transparency is an important currency in the hemp industry. This is why most, if not all, of the cannabis brands issue a Certificate of Analysis (COA) per product batch. Through COAs, you will see whether traces of pesticides and synthetic compounds have been sprayed.

COAs are laboratory results tested on a batch of hemp products. It verifies the actual cannabinoid content of a flower and other crucial chemical information you might want to know. 

Unaffiliated third-party lab groups accomplish COAs, further upholding the veracity of the results. 

The Hemp Doctor THCA Flower: Industry’s Finest

Organic or sprayed, it boils down to the consumer’s preference. Some like their THCA flowers untouched, while others don’t mind it sprayed as long as it’s within USDA standards. What matters more is the intention and how the farming procedure was carried out. 

Speaking of compliance and good intention, no one knows that better than The Hemp Doctor. The array of organically grown THCA strains is a testament to the brand’s commitment to serving authentic yet top-notch hemp flowers. 

Don’t skimp on quality and go with the industry’s finest.


Is THCA sprayed with chemicals?

Possibly. Some hemp farms employ flower spraying methods that can contain chemicals. These chemicals vary according to the type of solution used. For example, for pesticides, the solution may contain parts of Salicylic Acid, Sodium Ferrix EDTA, Cytokinin, etc. 

How can I make my THCA more potent?

You can’t make THCA more potent because it has inactive psychoactive properties in the first place. However, you can unlock THCA’s potency by heating it through smoking or vaping the flower. 

Is THCA flower safe to smoke?

THCA is well-tolerated provided it comes from a reputable source. Practicing safety consumption methods such as sticking with your regular dose, not taking other intoxicating substances, not operating technical types of machinery, etc., ensures a safe and enjoyable THCA hemp experience. 

Is THCA flower legal?

Under the 2018 Farm Bill, all cannabis seeds, derivatives, isomers, extracts, cannabinoids, acids (which include THCA), etc. are scraped from the controlled substance list. However, some states have varying laws on THCA. It’s important to check these protocols before buying products in circulation. 

What percentage of THCA is in flower?

Most cannabis strains with the highest THCA content have about 15%-20% of THCA concentration.