Delta 9 Seltzers: The New Way to Get High

Delta 9 Seltzers: The New Way to Get High

Have you ever wondered if there’s a refreshing, discreet, and innovative way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without the traditional methods of smoking or edibles? Enter the world of Delta 9 seltzers, a groundbreaking addition to the cannabis market that’s quickly gaining traction among enthusiasts and newcomers alike. These fizzy beverages are not just…

The CBGA Guide: Mother Of All Cannabinoids

The CBGA Guide: Mother Of All Cannabinoids

Major cannabinoids like CBD and THC mesmerize with the wealth of benefits they offer. While that’s the case, there are other cannabinoids equally worthy of your attention.  CBGA is one of the lesser-known compounds found in cannabis but is key to the existence of the cannabinoids you’ve come to love. As the main cannabinoid precursor,…

Cannabis Terpenes’ Role in Your Weed Consumption Explained (2024 Update)

Cannabis Terpenes’ Role in Your Weed Consumption Explained (2024 Update)

Cannabis’s pungent aroma and bold colors of forest green and violet streaks are engineered by the 150 different kinds of terpenes present in the plant.  Beyond giving a cannabis strain its distinctive characteristics, all cannabis terpenes have a role to play in the overall consumption experience. Like other important cannabinoids (THC and CBD), terpenes can…

What Affects CBD/THC Gummy Consistency: A Deep Dive into Production Techniques 

What Affects CBD/THC Gummy Consistency: A Deep Dive into Production Techniques 

In the ever-evolving world of hemp-derived products, gummies have emerged as a delightful and popular choice for both CBD and THC enthusiasts. But what often goes unnoticed is the art and science behind their creation – particularly, the crucial element of consistency. The texture, chewiness, and overall mouthfeel of a gummy can significantly influence consumer…

Is THCA Flower Sprayed? A Closer Look At THCA Production

Is THCA Flower Sprayed? A Closer Look At THCA Production

THCA flower is a cannabis bud carrying high concentrations of the non-psychoactive compound THCA, or tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. As THCA flowers are becoming mainstream, people are becoming particular about the quality and origin of the flowers they’re shopping for.  Lately, questions like “Is THCA flower sprayed?” are popping up in forums online. People want to know…