Does Delta 8 THC Show Up on a Drug Test?

As CBD is booming in popularity, its enthusiasts want to explore every option the cannabis plant offers. D8 THC is a rising star amongst cannabinoids, and products containing this compound started appearing at numerous stores. Although it’s different from Delta-9 THC, the superstar of cannabinoids and the psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant, Delta 8 THC is an analog of it. This has left many consumers wondering “Does Delta 8 THC show up on a drug test?”

Read on to find out more!

What is Delta 8 THC, and how is it different from THC?

Before we answer the question it is important to note that THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is a well-known cannabinoid known for its psychoactive and mind-altering effects. It’s how marijuana gets users’ ‘high’ as it contains up to 30% of this compound. However, Marijuana’s cousin plant – hemp, features only trace amounts of THC and doesn’t cause a feeling of high or impairing effects, given how potent it can be.

The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp and derivatives of cannabis with only trace amounts of THC (up to 0.3%) from the definition of Marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). As a result, hemp-derived products became available to millions of Americans, and CBD – another famous compound in the cannabis plant, became part of their wellness routines.

Now people are wondering if other elements in hemp are safe to consume and try. Delta-8 THC is now emerging on the scene, and many CBD retailers have already started selling products containing the compound given its benefits. The new cannabinoid has raised many concerns and questions because THC is illegal, right? Not quite so. The law limits delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content in products, which indeed is a psychoactive compound. Right now on the market, there are several variations that can have legal amount of THC. Some of these are:

  • THCa – a precursor of THC in the acidic form
  • Delta-9 THC, the popular psychoactive compound
  • Delta-8 THC, a less psychoactive and very rare compound in cannabis strains

According to federal law, Delta 8 THC is lawful when it derives from hemp. It just has to have less than 0.3% THC content. It is important to note that some states may criminalize delta-8 THC, as some may decriminalize Marijuana, so it’s essential to check state laws regarding cannabis compounds.

Can Delta 8 THC be a Reason for Failed Drug Test?

Although legal, many consumers want to ensure they are not running the risk of failing a drug test while using Delta 8 THC products. Drug tests work in different ways, but the question on everyone’s mind is can you pass a drug test with Delta 8 in your system? The short answer is that Delta 8 THC can cause problems, but armed with the right information, you can dramatically lower your risk of a false positive result. Let’s start by looking at how THC tests work.

Do drug tests detect Delta 8 THC specifically?

Actually, no. Testing for Delta 8 alone is not an option. So, how does Delta 8 THC show up on drug test results? The answer lies in how the tests are performed. Instead of looking for Delta 8 THC in your body, drug tests look for its byproducts – known as metabolites – which indicate a person used some form of THC.

That fact leads us on to the next question. Does Delta-8 THC produce the same metabolites as Delta-9 THC? And if so, what can you do to avoid false positive drug testing?

Delta-8 THC does produce the same byproducts as Delta-9 THC and can lead to false positive testing. So, exactly how does Delta 8 make you fail a drug test?

Unfortunately, the test can’t tell that you have used a legal, hemp-derived THC.  It is important to note that inhaling secondhand marijuana smoke can lead to false positive test results too. False positives may even derive from certain medications you take or the foods you eat. So, does that mean you should keep yourself away from this rising star? Not really. Like in any other situation, it’s essential to find solutions so you can keep your wellness routine and avoid false-positive testing for Marijuana.

To avoid a false positive result, you should know:

  • How does each drug test work?
  • How effective is each type of test? 
  • How long does Delta 8 stay in your system?
  • What are the differences between Delta 8, Delta 9, and Delta 10?

How Does Each Drug Test Work?

Different drug tests have varying levels of sensitivity, and there are many methods of specimen collection for Delta 8 drug tests. As a general rule, the more THC you consume, the longer it will be detectable in your system, regardless of the type of testing.

  • Urinalysis is the most common type of test used to determine the use of Marijuana.
  • THC Saliva Test.
  • Hair Follicle Drug Test.

Urinalysis – Urine tests are currently the only approved drug-testing method for workplaces covered by federal guidelines, so this is the most common way for employers to test applicants and employees. The test detects the amount of THC metabolite in urine. Your body can process approximately 50% of the Delta 8 THC in your body in 24 hours, so how long the metabolite is detectable depends on how much you consume.

If you have a urine test scheduled, you may wonder how long Delta 8 stays in your system. It’s important to note that THC can potentially be detected in urine for a month or longer.

Saliva Test – Also known as oral fluid testing or a mouth swab, saliva tests are quick, and detect more recent THC use. Because they can often be collected on-site, they are a popular option for roadside police testing.

How long does Delta 8 stay in your system if you’re pulled over for a saliva test? The more often you consume Delta-8 products, the longer it’s detectable. Saliva samples can typically reveal THC usage between just a few minutes and up to 72 hours prior to collection.

Blood Test – Blood screens are the most effective test for recent THC use. However, they are expensive and invasive and are therefore seldom used. Plus, blood samples can only reveal what drugs are present at the testing time, not in the weeks or months previous.

How long does Delta-8 stay in your system on blood tests? Blood tests can identify THC use from just a few seconds (as with a vape product) for up to 36 hours after use. However, positive results are possible for up to 25 days after heavy use.

Hair Follicle Test – This is the rarest yet most accurate way of testing for THC substance. Hair follicle tests are considered ‘cheat proof’ because THC cannot be concealed by bleaches or dyes, and hair analysis can reveal exactly which drugs were taken, for how long, and when usage stopped.

Will Delta 8 test positive on a hair follicle test? Hair testing has the longest detection window. THC use can be identified up to 90 days after use.


How long does Delta-8 stay in your system?

Delta-8 THC’s effects can last for up to 5 hours. But, just because the effects have worn off, that doesn’t mean the metabolites are completely gone from your system. Studies have found 80-90% of THC metabolites are flushed from your body in about five days, with the rest following in around another 5 days. However, there are a few variables that affect how quickly the body flushes delta-8 metabolites from your system:

  1. Frequency of use – The more/more regularly you consume THC products, the longer it will take to flush THC metabolites from your body.
  2. Body weight – THC metabolites are fat-soluble, so the more extra weight a person carries, the longer flushing will take.
  3. Metabolic rate – The faster your metabolism, the faster your body will eliminate THC metabolites.

As you’re probably realizing, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question “Will delta 8 show up on a drug test?” However, the good news is that there are steps you can take to help reduce the chances of a positive result.

Delta-8 vs Delta-9: Primary Differences Explained

Delta-8 and Delta-9 are different forms (isomers) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive compound found in the Cannabis plant. While they share some similarities due to their shared origin, they also possess unique characteristics that differentiate them. 

Here’s a breakdown:


Source: Found in very low concentrations in the Cannabis plant. Commercial delta-8 is usually derived from hemp through isomerization processes, where CBD is converted to delta-8 THC.

Effects: Delta-8 is psychoactive, but its effects are typically described as being milder, clearer, and less anxiety-provoking than delta-9. Some users report feeling more functional and less “stoned.”


Source: It’s the main form of THC in the Cannabis plant and the most well-known.

Effects: It’s primarily responsible for the psychoactive effects commonly associated with marijuana. Those who take THC can experience euphoria, relaxation, increased sensory perception, time distortion, and others.

Manufacturers extract Delta-8 from hemp, and although it shares many standard features with Delta-9 THC, it has a much lower psychoactive potency. Interestingly enough, after Delta 9 THC has been stored for an extended time, it degrades into Delta-8 THC; it is a rare and unique THC type that can reach concentrations of only 1% in strains of cannabis. 

How Does Delta-8 Compare to Delta-10?

Delta-8 THC and Delta-10 THC, while both being THC isomers, exhibit different chemical structures and potentially different effects. Here’s a brief comparison:

Delta-8 is known for milder psychoactive effects, promoting calm and clear-headed sensations.

Delta-10, although not as well-studied, is believed to offer more energizing and uplifting effects.

The legal status of both Delta-8 and Delta-10 is complex and varies depending on local laws and the method of production. Both compounds are typically derived from CBD through chemical processes, as they occur in low concentrations in natural cannabis or hemp.

Delta-8 has gained popularity and is more widely available compared to Delta-10, which is lesser-known and less common in the market. Both Delta-8 and Delta-10 are under-researched compared to Delta-9 THC, and more studies are needed to understand their full effects.

Things to Consider for Avoiding Testing Positive for THC

Once you know the answer to “Does Delta-8 show up on a drug test?” it’s important to know how to avoid testing positing. As Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC produce the same byproducts in the human body, it’s safe to assume that Delta-8 users need the same time to get rid of THC metabolites as marijuana users to pass drug tests without testing positive. Here’s a rough guide:

  • Occasional users of Marijuana will typically be able to pass a urine test after 1 to 5 days.
  • Regular light users will take about 1 to 3 weeks to get clean.
  • Regular heavy daily users require 4 to 6 weeks to get rid of metabolites.

One of the obvious ways to avoid a positive result is to go on a Delta-8 ‘diet’ before a the scheduled drug testing and stop using the THC products until metabolites are fully flushed out of your system. As mentioned above, this takes 1 to 6 weeks for most people, depending on the dose and regularity. However, keeping away from your favorite products isn’t any less daunting than depriving yourself of foods you love, so there are other methods to consider.
An excellent way to speed up getting rid of THC byproducts is by keeping a healthy and nutritious diet that speeds up your metabolism. It’s also essential to hydrate because drinking water can help flush out metabolites.

When the day of the test arrives, make sure you visit the restroom before providing a urine test, as your body may have built up metabolites in your sleep, and it’s essential to get rid of them before you produce the sample.

For THC saliva testing, consumers can usually pass a test without an issue 1-5 days after consuming Delta-8 THC.
Let’s wrap up by recapping the main questions about delta 8 drug tests:

Can Delta-8 show up on your drug test? Yes, it can, but technically so can the smoke you inhale while others smoke Marijuana. Certain medications you take and foods you eat can result in a positive test too.

What should I do if I’m worried about a workplace delta 8 drug test? You aren’t breaking the law by adding Delta-8 to your wellness routine, so talk to your employer before screening for THC. However, when it comes to delta 8 and a drug test, employers shouldn’t make assumptions based on an initial positive result from a test and should consider recent supplement use amongst other factors before making any decisions.

Ready to give Delta-8 THC a try? You Can Conveniently Shop Online for Pure Products at The Hemp Doctor

The demand for D8 THC continues to increase. Many retailers started offering products featuring the rising star, but not all provide the same quality. At The Hemp Doctor, America’s Premier Hemp & CBD Dispensary, you can find the top-grade hemp-derived D8 THC. All D8 THC products sold by The Hemp Doctor will always comply with the law.

All our products are:

  • Hemp-derived, from hemp plants grown in the rich soils of Oregon, United States under strict farming standards
  • Organic
  • 100% Farm Bill compliant
  • Processed using the most advanced methods
  • Third-party lab tested to prove their quality and purity, with lab reports made available to you for your comfort and peace of mind.
  • Non-GMO
  • Gluten-free and certified kosher

When you are ready to give Delta-8 THC a try, you can get started on our online store and choose from Delta-8 vaping products, edibles, and tinctures. If you need help, we are happy to assist you in selecting the perfect product and support you on your wellness journey!

About the Hemp Doctor

We specialize in hemp, CBD and THC products, offering a diverse range from oils and edibles to vapes and pet items. We emphasize using U.S.-grown organic hemp and adopt the CO2 extraction method, known for its efficiency and safety. We provide third-party lab results to ensure our products meet the highest standards, showcasing our dedication to purity, potency, and transparency. Our mission is centered on delivering premium hemp-derived items, advocating for natural wellness and remedies.