CBD for Relaxation: Exploring Its Many Roles

According to a 2024 survey, 60.4% of CBD consumers aged 18 to 77 years old use CBD for relaxation. Nowadays, people are trying every option available to manage their hectic lives with some considering going the unconventional route. 

CBD (cannabidiol), a cannabinoid endowed with the power to influence the endocannabinoid system, has been a mainstay in conversations relating to relaxation. Given its promising preclinical data, it’s important to further probe CBD’s role in easing tension and achieving a sense of well-being.

Keep reading to be updated. 

???? Key Takeaways

  • CBD binds with the endocannabinoid, serotonin, and vanilloid receptors which are key players in achieving relaxation. 
  • Products currently sold are available in different forms: CBD tinctures, oils, gummies, capsules, vapes, flowers, sprays, and topical solutions.
  • Standardized dosing is needed but research says a high CBD and low THC ratio is the best type of formulation to start with. 

Does CBD Work for Relaxation?

Tension and worry are part of the human tools for survival. Without those, one wouldn’t be able to solve and prioritize daily hurdles. However, stressing too much, bordering on excessive, can do more harm than good. 

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the human body is one of the main regulators of responses to stressors. It’s a signaling system composed of enzymes, receptors, and transporters. When it comes to modulating distress, the ECS is believed to work in the brain’s amygdala mostly. 

The ECS works like an override system that puts a brake when the brain launches a frantic response to stress. Studies tell us that endocannabinoids don’t work alone. Cannabinoids like CBD found in the cannabis plant may enhance or inhibit the ECS’s abilities by latching on its receptors. 

It’s important to clarify that without clear FDA guidance, CBD’s connection to relaxation only mostly relies on the different studies discussing them. Currently, CBD is neither a cure nor directly affects serenity and relaxation. 

How to Use CBD for Relaxation

At this junction, you’ll discover the different ways of using CBD along with its dosing guidelines and some pro tips to remember on maximizing its effects. 

Different Forms of CBD

The optimal use of CBD products varies from person to person. In your journey of finding the best method, you may discover that one type of product works better than the others. So here are all the forms of CBD products you can try:

Tinctures and oil: Consumed orally or through the sublingual method, CBD oils, and tinctures usually come in small amber-colored dropper bottles. 

Gummies: CBD gummies for relaxation are sweet and chewable treats that can be cut into pieces to divide the dosage. 

Capsules: CBD capsules can be soft gels or tablets taken like a pill. Each capsule contains a pre-measured dosage of CBD.

Vapes: CBD can be in the form of vape juice heated through a vaping device which produces an inhalable vapor. 

Flowers: CBD flowers are dried hemp containing high levels of CBD. They take the form of a joint or roll. To smoke, the flower needs to be burned. 

Sprays: CBD sprays are spritzed inside the mouth. The absorption route to the bloodstream is through the mucous membranes.

Creams, lotions, and gels: This type of CBD product is supposed to be applied topically in a localized skin area. 

???? Quick Note
The onset and lasting effects of CBD differ per consumption method:

A. Orally administered CBD oils, tinctures, sprays, capsules, and gummies may be felt working any time between 30 minutes to two hours. The effects through this route may last 6 hours depending on the dose.

B. Smoking burnt hemp flower and vaping CBD-infused juice has a quicker onset, about under 15 minutes, and may last up to three hours. 

C. Applying CBD on the skin works anywhere between 45 to 90 minutes with a lasting period of up to six hours.

CBD Dosing Guidelines

Standardized CBD dosing recommendations are yet to be established. Hence questions about how much CBD for relaxation is needed, persist. 

A 2019 study published in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, found that 300-600 mg of CBD improves levels of relaxation among 57 adult males. Additionally, two more studies confirm that lower dosages between 25 and 40 mg may be even more effective in achieving the state of relaxation.  

Consumers sometimes refer to research-based dosages as their baseline. However, it should be noted that these dosages only work well in a clinical test type of setting because the factors are controlled. “Effective dosages” don’t necessarily work the same in real life. 

Realistic aspects like brand variance in formulations and individual body chemistry need to be taken into consideration. So, most people are forced to experiment with what dosage works best. 

To prevent overdosing, consumers should start with the lowest dose possible and work their way up slowly. 

Pro Tips on Maximizing CBD Effects

  1. Choose the best type of CBD product form according to your needs. 
  2. Prioritize premium, quality products over shady CBD spin-offs. 
  3. Keep a consistent daily dosage of CBD for months until it’s time to increase or decrease according to observable effects. 
  4. Complement your CBD routine with good habits such as eating whole foods, exercising, getting that 7-8 hours of sleep a night, etc. 
  5. Keep a journal documenting the perceived effects of CBD at a certain dosage. 

THC vs. CBD For Relaxation: Which is Better?

CBD and THC, both cannabinoids found in high quantities in cannabis plants, received the most attention with relaxation. Although marketed similarly in that instance, CBD and THC affect individuals differently because of the unique ways each cannabinoids achieve that state. 

Here’s a comparison table describing the difference between both cannabinoids in terms of their supporting role in achieving downtime. 

Point of ComparisonDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)Cannabidiol (CBD)
Psychoactive EffectsPresentNone
Mechanism of ActionBinds to the endocannabinoid receptors present in the brain, altering some of the neurotransmitter release. CBD binds to the endocannabinoid receptors and may interact with serotonin and vanilloid receptors. 
Potential Side Effects (seen in higher dosage)Increased appetite, intoxication, etc. Well-tolerated but can cause drowsiness, changes in appetite, dry mouth, etc. 

Both compounds impact the endocannabinoid system. The only difference is aside from ECS interaction, CBD may have some influence on serotonin and vanilloid receptors. On the other hand, THC may only bind with ECS receptors but its affinity is so strong, that a tiny amount is enough to elicit its effects

Which compound works better in achieving relaxation? 

The jury is hung when it comes to figuring out which is the better compound. It would all come down to preference and what works best for you at the moment. Some people will find THC’s euphoric effects relaxing while others favor CBD’s lulling effect without the high. 

It’s also possible to purchase a product where both CBD and THC exist. That way you can take advantage of the so-called entourage effect where cannabinoids work synergistically to produce the best results. 

???? Quick Note
The best CBD for relaxation according to some Reddit users is in “full-spectrum.” To give context, CBD products are mainly formulated in three ways: isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum. 

A. Isolate is the purest form of formulation which contains no other cannabinoids but CBD. 

B. Broad-spectrum type of CBD products contains CBD and other cannabinoids except for THC. 

C. Full-spectrum has CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids. It’s deemed the best type of content composition because of the presence of both CBD and THC. 

Best CBD: THC Ratio for Relaxation

The CBD to THC ratio refers to the relative concentration of CBD to THC in a cannabis product. A 5:1 ratio will mean there is 5 times more CBD in the mixture compared to THC. The inherent ratio between CBD and THC varies considerably on different cannabis strains and extraction methods. 

Conversations about combining both cannabinoids pop up due to some research discussing the power of CBD and THC’s synergistic effects. Studies indicate that merging the two is far more superior than either component alone. However, the ratio between compounds should be spot-on to reach the desired effects. 

What’s the best CBD-to-THC ratio for relaxation?

Taking cannabis products with the goal of tranquility is a double-edged sword. While it has the potential to loosen you up, it can exacerbate the situation especially if the CBD to THC ratio isn’t fitting. 

A 10:1 ratio is an acceptable CBD-to-THC ratio for general consumption. This proportion doesn’t produce any intoxicating effects and may even be ideal to take during the day. Still, this ratio is not universal and may not affect everyone uniformly. 

In determining the correct CBD-to-THC ratio for you, refer to this chart and change accordingly depending on how you feel. 

CBD to THC RatioSuitable Type of Consumer
20:1Beginners who don’t want to feel an ounce of intoxication
8:1People who have some experience with cannabis who don’t want to get high
4:1Cannabis users who want to feel the effects of CBD with a minor head high
2:1For those who don’t mind feeling euphoria
1:1For experienced cannabis users who can tolerate a mid-dosage of THC and get high

Keep Calm and Carry on With CBD

From being an outsider to now an image of soundness, CBD has come a long way. Wellness brands are now scrambling to be at the forefront of the demand for the compound for respite purposes. However, not all products labeled “CBD” have jitter-busting benefits. You see, CBD products aren’t made equal. 

Be a smart buyer and experience the best CBD for relaxation through The Hemp Doctor’s line of full-spectrum CBD products. Aside from being Farm Bill compliant, our products are lab-tested, premium, and made in the US. 


How long does it take for CBD to relax you?

It depends on the type of CBD product used. CBD consumed via the inhalation method (smoking to vaping) has the quickest onset at around 15 minutes. Meanwhile, products taken orally take the longest to take effect which can be anytime between 30 minutes to two hours. 

What CBD is best for relaxation?

The best CBD product type will depend on what is the most convenient for you at the moment in terms of price, potency, and form. For example, if you’re someone who needs to be relaxed the whole day, a CBD vape may not be the best CBD to pick because of its quicker-lasting effects. 

Where do you put CBD oil to relax?

CBD oil is often used by placing a few drops under the tongue and leaving it there for a few minutes before swallowing. Topical CBD oil also exists but is rarely used for relaxation purposes as the effect is only localized.