The Benefits of CBD Softgels

CBD has proven itself to be more than a wellness trend. It’s staying power in our modern awareness, when things come and go like the wind, has proven its effectiveness. With a plethora of ways to consume CBD, the question becomes what is the best way to consume CBD for you?

At The Hemp Doctor, we provide many CBD products including flower, edibles, tinctures, and of course, softgels. We believe that there are pros and cons to each method of consumption and each individual, like yourself, has to decide what fits their life best.



How Can CBD Softgels Benefit You?

Consistent Dose

CBD has many benefits for your daily life, but it can be difficult to figure out how to accurately get the most of those benefits. For many people looking to add CBD to your regular life, a consistent dose taken at the same time every day is the best way to get regular results.

CBD softgels come in easy-to-carry containers that are great for tossing in your gym bag, your desk, or your purse. You can take them with your other multivitamins in the morning or pop one before dinner at night. The consistent dose means you don’t have to think about measuring tincture or weighing flower.

Additionally, when CBD is consumed through the digestive tract it takes longer to take effect, and its effects last longer. Edibles take the longest to be absorbed, tinctures the fastest, but softgels are mediumistic. Ok, that’s not a word, but softgels are the balance between the two extremes.

Easy to Swallow

Softgels are made of a flexible material that is easy for the average person to swallow. Capsules can feel like they’re stuck in your throat, you can’t dry swallow them, and they don’t change shape to fit your throat. Softgels, filled with liquid, slide down easy. If you’re the kind of person who can sometimes dry swallow pills, softgels are a gift that you don’t have to remember your water with.


Normally, when we talk about our edibles we tell you how great they taste. However, the perk of softgels is how much they don’t taste like anything. Their tastelessness is their best quality for those who have taste sensitivities.

People who are particular about what they consume – adults with avoidant and restrictive food behaviors can suffer by not getting enough nutrients in their system. Softgels, with their tasteless quality and smooth texture, can help. Some people also avoid foods because of their texture, whether they dislike crunch or mush, softgels aren’t either of those.

Some individuals who have ADHD or are on the Autism spectrum may find taking a softgel easier than consuming a gummy or other edible. If you avoid certain flavors or textures for any reason, softgels can be a huge relief.

The smooth, dolphin-like, texture of a softgel won’t bother the most particular of eaters. They also lack smell, unlike flower, which can be deliciously pungent. While some people enjoy the strong scent of smoked hemp, you might be considering softgels in order to protect your space from the scent.

Some individuals who have ADHD or are on the Autism spectrum may find taking a softgel easier than consuming a gummy or other edible. If you avoid certain flavors or textures for any reason, softgels can be a huge relief.



Long Lasting

Softgels are digestible materials injected with a consistent liquid and then sealed. They’re protected from oxygen and some temperature changes. These hermetically sealed softgels are designed to last longer on the shelf than flower or edibles. The nano-emulsified CBD inside is protected from oxidation and enjoy a longer shelf life.

Whether you want to pop one in the morning, two before the gym or one before bed, our nano-emulsified softgels will be ready for your consumption.

Knowing that you don’t have to watch an expiry date like a hawk can make softgels preferable to things like flower. When stored properly, away from direct sunlight and heat, softgels can last long periods on the shelf. For our flower, we recommend it kept in the fridge or freezer if you’re keeping it for a long time. While it’s dried, it’s not entirely immune to going stale. However, softgels don’t go stale.

Easy to Build into a Routine

Healthy people are made, not born. Healthy routines are the same, they come out of consistent behaviors and dedication. For many people, being motivated is less important than being consistent and disciplined. Fortunately, it doesn’t take a long time to build our CBD softgels into a consistent routine. Because they’re easy to take with you, or easy to store, the softgels can be purchased in bulk to be taken consistently.

Should you take them in the morning, before the gym, with dinner, or before bed? That’s up to you. The question really is, why are you taking the CBD and what are you hoping the CBD can help you with? If you find your morning full of tension and dread, a CBD softgel can help you recover your mental equilibrium. Sore muscles and aching joints could be assisted by popping CBD before the gym or helping you with recovery like delayed onset muscle soreness by taking it right after the gym. If you find winding down after work difficult, taking a softgel or two with dinner can help. Finally, if finding meaningful rest and relaxation is a challenge, CBD at bedtime could be your answer.

For some, who choose to give their pets CBD, taking it at the same time can help build that habit. While your dog can’t tell time, if you give them a treat at the same time every day, they’ll start to remind you if you forget. That can help you build consistently and enable your pets to live their best life as well.

When CBD is consumed through the digestive tract it takes longer to take effect, and its effects last longer.


The Hemp Doctor Softgels

Our softgels come with options, whether you’re looking for THC-free broad spectrum or full spectrum softgels. We also have Delta 8 softgels if you’re interested in a smooth body high. Our products are all Farm Bill Compliant and made in the USA. You can expect the highest performance from CBD from The Hemp Doctor.

Categories: CBD, Education