THCP vs THC0: Unraveling the Differences in Cannabinoid Research

The cannabis world is growing and expanding daily, especially considering the discoveries of new cannabinoids. If you’re part of the wellness community, you must have heard new names such as THC-O and THCP. Want to know more about these cannabinoids and the difference between them? This article will answer all of your questions.

What is THC-O?

THC-O is also known as THC acetate ester. The name indicates that THC has been molecularly changed by using acetic anhydride and sulfuric acid to produce THCO. THC-O is a synthetic version of delta-9 that does not occur naturally in cannabis. It is frequently chemically produced in the laboratory from delta-9 or 8. When the chemical is metabolized, THC-O and THC produce the same observable metabolite THC-COOH. THC-O is a prodrug that won’t fully work until the body breaks it down completely.

Because of the way its molecules are assembled, THC-O works well. The THC-O form has an acetate molecule, whereas the delta-9 variant does not. Understanding that THC-O can only be created in a lab is vital.

What is THCP?

THCP, short for 9-Tetrahydrocannabiphorol, is the most potent phytocannabinoid found in cannabis. It was discovered in 2019 by Italian researchers during the UNIHEMP project by accident.THCP is a naturally occurring cannabinoid that is found in specific cannabis cultivars.

The sole difference between THC and THCP is the addition of two carbons to the tail. Despite the tiny chemical difference, THCP is way more potent than THC. Scientists are particularly interested in THCP since it is thought to have 30 times the binding potential of THC. As a result, THCP has the potential to be ten times as potent as THC.

Delta 9 THC-P was found to bind to the endocannabinoid receptor cb1 roughly 33 times stronger than Delta 9 THC. Empirical evidence suggests that THCP is substantially more potent than THC, but only in particular ways. In most cases, THCP was diluted to less than 20% of the mixture.

Most users perceive it as being stronger than D9 THC at this diluted level, with the most noteworthy difference being the claimed duration. Many users experience the effects for 12-24 hours, which is far longer than THC.

The Difference Between THC-O and THCP

Both THC-O and THCP come from the same family called “Tetrahydrocannabinols.’ But even though they’re from the same family, they have many differences.

The first thing to mention is that THC-O is synthetic, meaning the cannabis plant family did not naturally produce it. It was created in the lab, while THCP is a phytocannabinoid, meaning it’s naturally occurring. However, synthetic cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids both act on the endogenous cannabinoid system in the human body.

When comparing the strength and potency of these two, The efficacy of THCP is greater than that of THC-O. THCP is approximately ten times stronger than THC-O. But THC-O itself is more potent than regular THC by two-three times.

One more difference, unlike high amounts of THCP, THC-O at high dosages can reportedly produce hallucinogenic and psychedelic effects, such as distorted vision and heightened emotional state. The reason why this happens is still unknown.

These two are different based on the time it takes for them to start working. THC-O takes a significantly longer time for the psychoactive effects to kick in. THC-O must be appropriately digested before we may feel its effects. This is because THC-O is a prodrug to THC.

These two have in common that none are suitable for someone new to the cannabis world and hasn’t tried other types of cannabinoids first. The combined effects of these intoxicating cannabinoids may be pretty intense and overpowering when consumed simultaneously. Anxiety, and panic attacks, are a few possible side effects.

THC-O and THCP both have comparable effects. These side effects include relieving tension and creating soothing effects in lesser dosages. They may also help with discomfort inflammation, and sleep issues. Higher dosages may worsen anxiety and feelings of unease.

Discovery of THC-O and THCP

The discovery of these two cannabinoids is quite different, and there is a significant time gap between them. There are claims that the US Army Chemical Corps conducted a series of dubious, top-secret medical studies on THC-O during the Edgewood Arsenal Experiments, which took place from 1949 to 1975.

As for the discovery of THCP, it was quite a recent event. It was first mentioned in a study published in late 2019 by Italian researchers working on a UNIHEMP project. The researchers employed cutting-edge technologies such as mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography to examine the plant parts closely. They also found CBDP, a kind of CBD.

Just like with many other cannabinoids, the legality of these two on a federal level is a debatable subject. Although the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) does not expressly prohibit these cannabinoids, they are considered THC analogs having chemical structures close to delta-9, potentially placing them under the Federal Analogue Act (FAA) by default. The FAA classifies all chemicals as either schedule I or schedules II restricted substances.

But on the other hand, they can be considered legal under the Farm Bill 2018 as long as they are derived from a hemp plant and don’t contain more than 0.3% THC by dry weight. As you can see, legality is still quite a grey area for most cannabis products.

The Wrap

THCP and THCO are both forms of THC, although they do not have the same meaning. The most potent cannabinoid is THCP, while THCO is a highly useful version of THC. The molecular structure THCP has a seven-carbon chain tail. THCO entails adding acetate to the molecular structure of THC, which can be done with practically any cannabinoid, including THCP. Despite many inflated statements about how potent these two compounds are, there is no denying that they are more powerful than THC.

THC-O versus THCP is quite a debatable topic. It all comes down to personal preferences and the thing you’re looking for. After reading this article, it should be easier to choose which one is more suitable. You can find both at The Hemp Doctor in our newest and the most innovative Kayo Line, so if you’re planning to try any of the two, this is the right place to start.

As for the discovery of THCP, it was quite a recent event. It was first mentioned in a study published in late 2019 by Italian researchers working on a UNIHEMP project.
Categories: Education, THC-O, THCP