Military Dog Adoption: How to Help Your Dog Adjust

If you’re thinking about adopting an ex-military dog, you might have some questions about acclimating them to civilian life. While the idea might be daunting to some, it isn’t as challenging as one might expect. However, there are a few aspects that differ from the experience of adopting a non-working dog.

Before an ex-military dog is considered adoptable, they must pass a few tests, some of which determine whether it has suffered PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or any other sort of prohibitive conditions. Those dogs who fail these tests (if they have PTSD, etc.) are not available for adoption into civilian homes. Keep this in mind as you consider your options, as the responsibility of caring for such a dog is not exponentially that of a regular dog: All they need is a little extra care.

The Similarities

For dogs, retirement is not dissimilar to how it might be for humans. Some find that they miss the work, and others might have difficulty winding down in calmer situations. However, in most cases, ex-military dogs are still young. They may have only been trained but have never actually gone on a live mission before. Therefore, it is important to provide your dog with the essentials that any other dog would get in either case.

For one, this includes a fenced-in yard. Ex-military or not, dogs need exercise and a place to call their own. There should also be enough space in your house to accommodate your dog, all of their toys, their bed, etc.

The Difference with a Military Dog

If there is one thing that ex-military dogs require more of than the average dog, it is stability. Even if they do not have post-traumatic stress disorder, they are likely prone to stress easily, especially in the first few weeks of adoption when they are in an entirely new environment.

For this reason, an important thing to keep in mind is your own presence. As their owner, an ex-military dog must know where you are at all times. Due to their background, they are more likely to be protective of you and might behave erratically if they don’t know you’re safe and sound. Routine is also important. If you aren’t doing so already, try to wake up at the same time every morning and take your dog outside at roughly the same hours every day. This kind of repeatable pattern makes it easier for a dog to feel safe and comfortable.

Your Military Dog Supplements

Sometimes, providing a safe environment and keeping to a daily routine isn’t enough. If your dog is continuing to be neurotic in the best of times, you might need to consider getting them nutritional supplements.

You might be aware of the effects of CBD on humans. But did you know that similar effects can be seen in dogs who take CBD as well? It can help to stabilize a dog’s mood, agitation, or anxiousness. Additionally, it might also improve other aspects of their quality of life. It doesn’t have to be for ex-military dogs: Dogs of all walks of life may find benefits in having CBD as a part of their regular diet.



That’s why The Hemp Doctor now offers CBD Dog Treats and Organic CBD Oil Pet Tincture. These phytocannabinoid-rich products are lab-tested and THC-free. Designed from the ground up to be easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, the effects are noticeable and fast.

If you are looking to adopt an ex-military dog there are plenty of steps you can take to be prepared. But one of the quickest and most painless steps is introducing CBD into your dog’s daily wellness routine.


You might be aware of the effects of CBD on humans. But did you know that similar effects can be seen in dogs who take CBD as well?

Dosage Recommendations

Whether you decide to introduce our CBD Dog Treats or our Organic CBD Oil Pet Tincture as a dietary supplement for your adopted military dog, we’d like to offer some dosage recommendations to get you started.

First, understand that, just like humans, all dogs are different. They have different metabolisms and tolerances, so finding the right dosage will take some trial and error. We recommend starting with lighter doses and working your way up until you achieve the desired results in your pet. 

We recommend that you start with 2 milligrams of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight. Because our CBD Dog Treats are premeasured to that dosage, you would just give your pet one treat per 10 pounds of body weight. If you are using our Organic Pet Tincture, you’re going to need to do some quick calculations.

To determine the number of milligrams in a dose, you need to calculate the number of milligrams contained in each milliliter of oil. We at The Hemp Doctor offer our pet tincture in 250, 500, and 1,000-milligram strengths. So let’s use our 500 mg strength as an example. You would divide the 500 mg strength by the 30 milliliters of oil in the bottle and come up with just over 16 mg per milliliter. 

The next calculation you need to make is based on your pet’s body weight. Let’s say that you have an 80-pound ex-military dog. At 2 milligrams per 10 pounds of weight, your dog would need to start with a 16-milligram dose per day. Since our 500 mg strength contains around 16 mg per milliliter, you would simply need to dose just 1 milliliter per day.

We recommend giving your dog one half of a day’s dose in the morning and the other half at night. Keep an eye on your dog for the first day or two. If this amount doesn’t seem to be affecting them, increase the daily dose by 2 milligrams per 10 pounds of body weight until you achieve your desired results. Also, be on the lookout for symptoms like lethargy and diarrhea. These symptoms can indicate that your dog is getting too much CBD. If so, you would need to decrease the dosage at that point.

We’re Here to Answer Your Questions

If you have further questions about how our CBD pet supplements may help your four-pawed friend, or if you have questions about any item in our inventory, feel free to give us a call or contact us through our online form