Does HHC Show Up on a Blood Test?

Early adopters like you, always at the forefront of cannabis innovations, have already tried HHC or are about to join the excitement. HHC is one of those relatively new cannabinoids still surrounded by many questions. If you work in one of the industries requiring drug testing, you may want to put your worries aside and find out if HHC will show up on a blood test.  

Diving into the cannabis world can initially seem very confusing and complicated, but understanding the legality and all the characteristics of a specific type matters.

Whether it’s HHC or another type of THC, research their effects first to avoid causing a headache to your future self. This article is the one for you if you find yourself between wanting to try HHC and having an upcoming blood test. We will answer all your questions, so stick around till the end and read the article carefully.

What is HHC?

HHC stands for Hexahydrocannabinol. According to research, HHC may naturally occur in trace levels in cannabis plants. Even though it is naturally occurring, it comes in small quantities, so for it to be produced cost-effectively, it goes through a process in the lab called hydrogeneration. It’s a process of adding hydrogen to the molecule and altering its physical properties. Being hydro-generated makes HHC a semi-synthetic form of THC.

So to put it simply, HHC is THC with extra hydrogen molecules. By changing the chemistry of the molecules, most cannabinoids are transformed into other cannabinoids.

By saturating the molecule with hydrogen atoms, the shelf-life of this cannabinoid is significantly increased without drastically changing the impact profile. The prolonged shelf-life and high stability of HHC make it stand out the most. It’s also more resistant to UV exposure and high heat.

When it comes to any cannabis product, the main concern for potential customers is always the legality aspect. The short answer to whether HHC products are legal is that it is as long as it contains less than .3% delta 9 THC on a dry weight basis and comes from hemp.

However, there is an ongoing debate about the legality of new cannabinoids that emerge on the scene. This applies to HHC products too. Companies selling HHC claim it is legal because it occurs naturally in hemp. However, the counterargument is that, like many other THC analogs, it does not appear in significant amounts in nature and must therefore be synthesized in a laboratory to obtain a useable supply.

HHC is lawful on a federal level under the 2018 Farm Bill if regarded as natural, as long as the end product contains less than 0.3% delta 9 THC and the beginning material is produced from hemp. If you’re planning on trying any alternative cannabis products, check the specific laws of the state or country you reside in since they can differ.


What are the effects of HHC?

The effects of HHC are incredibly similar to those of delta 9 THC. It can cause euphoria and excitement, alterations in visual and auditory perception, and changes in heart rate and body temperature.

Despite being known for some time, there is still a scarcity of HHC research. Most cannabis research focuses on THC and CBD, so we can’t make any universal claims about its effects. However, many users say that the impact of HHC is comparable to those of delta 8 THC in that they are more geared toward relaxation than excitement. HHC has a higher potency than delta 8 THC but a little lower potency than delta 9THC.

Does HHC get you high?

Like most cannabis-related questions, the answer to this one is also tricky. HHC does produce a ‘high’-like feeling in users but affects everyone differently. Depending on a few circumstances, the high lasts two to three hours. These aspects include the amount consumed, how the body processes HHC, and how frequently HHC is used in conjunction with other products.

HHC produces a comparable high to THC and Delta-8 because all three cannabinoids have five-carbon side chains, which allows them to connect to your cannabinoid receptors efficiently. Most consumers state that it produces a progressive mood boost, changes mind space and cognition, and increases activity compared to other products.

Does HHC show up on a blood test?

Now on to the main question that’s been bothering many HHC users.

Does HHC show up on a blood test?

Again, the answer is not as straightforward as you might expect, but there is some intriguing information about cannabis and drug testing that you should know.

First things first, blood tests aren’t designed to detect HHC in your bloodstream or its metabolites. There is a widespread misperception that drug tests are intended to detect THC in the body. That is not entirely correct, either. A drug test looks for THC metabolites produced by the body when exposed to THC rather than THC itself.

The main selling point for HHC is that it allegedly doesn’t show up on a conventional 12-panel drug test. This statement isn’t backed up by research and is solely based on anecdotal evidence.

HHC metabolites are Similar to Those of THC 

THC-COOH (11-nor-9-carboxy-THC), a metabolite produced in the body after taking THC, is detected using a standard blood and urine test. They are the most persistent in the body because they are deposited in fat cells.

HHC metabolizes into 8 alpha-hydroxy-HHC and 8 beta-hydroxy-HHC, which exhibit qualities comparable to THC-COOH, according to research. Therefore, HHC could potentially trigger a positive result on a blood test.

Does Your HHC Product Have THC?

As mentioned above, blood drug tests screen for THC metabolites in the body. The first and the most important thing to avoid testing positive is to ensure your HHC product comes from hemp and has only trace delta 9 THC amounts. Ensure the HHC products you use have undergone third-party lab testing, and THC dosage claims match the lab test results.

Some Factors that Could Influence Blood Drug Test Results

Nevertheless, whether or not HHC will show up on a blood test will depend on when you last consumed, dosage, metabolism, and frequency of consumption. Usually, even when consuming THC, its metabolites in the blood are detectable for only one to two days and a little longer in heavy users.

There is no scientific evidence to support the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to whether HHC will show up on a blood test. The best way to avoid getting into trouble is to stop consuming HHC several days before the scheduled blood drug testing.


Diving into the cannabis world can initially seem very confusing and complicated, but understanding the legality and all the characteristics of a specific type matters.


The wrap 

With all this information, we now face the question, would a drug test identify the existence of the metabolites produced in the body due to HHC consumption? Those metabolites are comparable to those created by the body when exposed to THC, but whether they are near enough to show a result on a drug test is unknown. Since we don’t know for sure, we recommend avoiding using HHC for a few days before the scheduled blood test.

Once you have successfully passed this step, you may want to stock up on premium HHC products, and the Hemp Doctor is the best place to do so. Here you can find the most innovative hemp-derived HHC gummies, vapes, and concentrates. Start shopping today!

Categories: Health & Lifestyle, HHC