What Does Full Spectrum CBD Mean?

The Buzz about CBD

It’s no secret that CBD is quite possibly the most popular natural health supplement on the market right now.

Despite the continual buzz about CBD, because it is still relatively new to the market, there is still much curiosity about it and confusion as to what it is and what it isn’t. Various CBD terms are often thrown around by those who are familiar with them, and it can be understandably confusing for those just learning about CBD and all that it has to offer. Two terms commonly mentioned are CBD isolate and full spectrum CBD. When you hear that a product is one or the other, how can you be certain which product is the best fit for you? Exploring a little bit more about what each product contains can be helpful.

The Difference between Isolate and Full-Spectrum CBD

When you hear the term isolate CBD, that means that the supplement you are taking contains only CBD and that it has been stripped of any other byproducts of the hemp plant. By contrast, a full-spectrum CBD product is one that contains not only CBD, but also many other cannabinoids and other elements of the hemp plant. Why is this difference important to you, the consumer? The answer is relatively simple and straightforward.

In truth, hemp is somewhat of a wonder plant. For thousands of years, people have been using it for all sorts of helpful purposes – from making things like paper, textiles, plastic and even fuel, to nutritional products such as seeds, granola, and baked goods. And, of course, natural supplements like CBD are extracted from the hemp plant as well. CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is one of more than 100 cannabinoids produced by the hemp plant.

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds produced by the hemp plant which, when ingested, support the endocannabinoid system in our bodies. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for maintaining balance and regulating any number of important functions like metabolism, and temperature to name only a few. Certainly, CBD is one of the most beneficial cannabinoids, but as noted, the hemp plant produces more than 100 different cannabinoids as well as other helpful compounds.


A full spectrum product contains many cannabinoids beyond CBD, each of which have their own benefits as well as other helpful elements of the hemp plant, including things like:

  •    Terpenes: Terpenes are the fragrant oils that give the hemp plant its distinctive aroma. They are secreted in the flowers resinous glands and have a number of benefits.
  •    Flavonoids: Flavonoids are a phytonutrient also contained in the hemp plant. They often give the plants their vivid color, and are powerful antioxidants. In general, research has shown that diets that are rich in flavonoid-containing foods can have positive effects.
  •    Vitamins, Fatty Acids, and Proteins: Many of us are familiar with vitamins, fatty acids, and proteins and the necessary and important role they play in providing nutrition to our bodies. The hemp plant provides all of these necessary nutrients, and as a result, a full spectrum CBD product will pass them along as well.

Why The Hemp Doctor?

At The Hemp Doctor, we are proud to offer a wide variety of full-spectrum CBD products. We offer premium products with a focus on quality from the time the first hemp seed is planted in the ground until the product finally reaches our shelves.

Whether a customer is interested in taking the CBD orally as a soft gel, a tincture, or as an edible, or if they’re more interested in using it topically as a salve, balm, or lotion, we have a product to fit their needs. At The Hemp Doctor, we even offer a full-spectrum line of products for your pets; after all, we know that furry family members are very important, too, and that you’re concerned about improving their quality of life as well.

Using full-spectrum CBD might be the perfect addition to your daily routine. While it may take some trial and error to find the best product for your needs, talking to a knowledgeable associate about your individual circumstances and goals can help you to find the right product for you. At The Hemp Doctor, we look forward to helping you begin this very important journey toward a happier you.

Categories: CBD, Education