The Difference between CBD and Delta 8 THC

The explosion of CBD on the market today has suddenly brought a lot of attention to the cannabis plant as well as the phytocannabinoids that are contained within the plant. Scientists have only discovered the human endocannabinoid system in the last few decades, so much research on this system and the effect that phytocannabinoids have on it still needs to be done. However, research and overwhelming evidence have shown that these plant cannabinoids may have many wellness benefits to offer.

Most people are aware of the initials CBD (for cannabidiol) and THC (for tetrahydrocannabinol). But a new term, Delta 8 THC, has been brought to the spotlight recently, and you may be wondering what, exactly, are these things and what are their similarities and differences.



What Are CBD and Delta 8 THC?

Hemp and marijuana are both strains of the cannabis plant. This plant is known to carry over 100 elements known as cannabinoids. Because they are plant-based, these cannabinoids are technically classified as phytocannabinoids, but the terms are interchangeable for our purposes. When extracted from the cannabis plant and introduced to the human body, these phytocannabinoids interact with the human endocannabinoid system. CBD and Delta 8 THC are two of these phytocannabinoids.

While Delta 9 THC is the most prevalent cannabinoid in the marijuana strain of cannabis, and CBD is the most prevalent in the hemp strain. At least 12% to 18% of the extract from the hemp plant is CBD. By contrast, Delta 8 THC is only found in less than 1% of the cannabis plant. Because of this, Delta 8 THC is produced by a scientific process that converts CBD and other cannabinoids into Delta 8 THC.

Whenever you have heard of THC in the past, it is likely about Delta 9 THC. This is the cannabinoid that’s contained in large quantities in marijuana and is well known for giving the user the feeling of being high. Delta 8 THC is similar on a molecular level to its more well-known sister, Delta 9 THC, but has a somewhat different effect on the user.



Effects on the User

Anecdotal evidence, and some scientific research, suggest that CBD has several potentially desirable effects on the body. Among these are the claims that it can help with bodily discomforts, to provide more mental clarity, and help one relax and get a better night’s sleep. CBD accomplishes this by binding with the CB1 receptors in the human body. After taking CBD, users claim to have an overall good feeling throughout their body and do not experience any intoxicating effects.

Delta 8 THC accomplishes many of the same wellness benefits as CBD. However, this cannabinoid does it in a slightly different way. This cannabinoid binds to both CB1 and CB2 receptors and is known to also have some psychotropic effect. However, users of both Delta 9 THC and Delta 8 THC have reported that they experience more of a head high with Delta 9 THC. This high can occasionally feel unmanageable and can sometimes cause paranoia and anxiety. In contrast, users report that Delta 8 THC produces more of a good feeling throughout their body. In addition, any intoxicating effects from the Delta 8 THC are not as intense and are not known to cause the negative side effects of Delta 9 THC.


The explosion of CBD on the market today has suddenly brought a lot of attention to the cannabis plant as well as the phytocannabinoids that are contained within the plant.

The Legality of CBD and Delta 8 THC

Until recently, cannabis and all products derived from cannabis had been federally illegal in the United States. It wasn’t until the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill that hemp-based products became legal on a federal level. The main specifications for this bill where that

  • The product must be derived from hemp, not marijuana; and
  • The product must contain less than 0.3% THC.

The reason for the distinction in the strain of the cannabis plant is that marijuana naturally contains far more than 0.3% THC and remains federally illegal.

Because of hemp’s legalization, CBD products are also legal throughout the United States. However, Delta 8 THC is a little more ambiguous. The language in The Farm Bill is specific in that the THC amounts specified is referring to Delta 9 THC. Because of this distinction, Delta 8 THC remains in the same class as CBD and is, therefore, legal as of the posting of this blog.

One thing to note about the legality of Delta 8 THC is drug tests. Most common tests check for the presence of THC. However, these tests do not check for the type of THC. So while Delta 8 THC may be legal, it will likely cause a positive result on a drug test. If this is of concern to you, it is best for you to use a CBD product instead. And while full-spectrum CBD products may contain up to 0.3% THC and still be legal, that trace amount may also cause a drug test to come back positive for THC. If this is a problem for you, then switch to a broad spectrum/THC-free CBD product instead.

We Have the CBD and Delta 8 THC Products You’re Looking For!

At The Hemp Doctor, America’s Premier Hemp & CBD Dispensary, we have an extensive line of CBD and Delta 8 THC products just for you. And one thing many of our loyal clients have found is that by combining their favorite CBD and Delta 8 THC products, they receive an even greater experience and benefits than with just one product alone. For example, having a daily regimen of CBD Full Spectrum Softgels combined with the convenience of our Delta-8 Tincture when they need a little extra help, users find that the CBD in their system supports and elevates the effects of the Delta 8 THC product.

There’s no time like the present to find out what combination of products works best for you! Shop from our inventory online or contact us if you have any questions.

Categories: CBD, Delta-8, Education