How COVID-19 Is Affecting the CBD Industry

It would be an understatement to say that COVID-19 is having an impact on all of our daily lives. In mere months, it has systematically changed how we work, shop, and socialize. In most of our lifetimes, we’ve never seen a world where wearing a mask in public is the social norm, and stores are routinely out of essentials like toilet paper and disinfectants. Our daily habits and routines have been drastically modified in order to follow health department guidelines, and we have to find creative ways to complete basic tasks and maintain relationships.

No matter who you are, you have been impacted by this elusive virus – some significantly more than others. Nearly every well-known industry has been affected as well, including the CBD industry – but perhaps not the way you might have guessed. Depending on your vantage point, you can observe the unique way COVID-19 is affecting the CBD industry. For example, investors, retailers, and avid CBD users are all experiencing different, palpable consequences of the coronavirus.

Coping with COVID-19

Everyone is eager for things to “go back to normal” as we face yet another month of uncertainty, but we all know we have to do so with some caution. At the end of the day, we just want to be well, want our loved ones healthy, and we want to participate in an active, thriving economy – and we will again in the future. In the meantime, different individuals are experiencing the effects of COVID-19 differently. In the CBD industry, here are the ways the market is being impacted.

For investors:
Avid investors have all had to come to terms with the drastic unprecedented plummeting of stocks across the board. It’s the inevitable nature of an economy in crisis. While it is disappointing for many people now, they continue to look ahead to a brighter future that features peaks and profits. During this time, investors in the hemp, cannabis, and CBD markets are experiencing something unique. Because the CBD market is an active one, it has experienced steep losses like most others, but it also appears to be more reactive to the subtle upticks that are occurring as we begin to recover from this financial crisis. Additionally, many initially predicted that cannabis stocks would experience severe losses, but they are backpedaling in some cases as the demand for hemp-derived CBD is increasing.

For CBD retailers:
Like most retailers, CBD brands have been forced to adapt to a new normal in order to maintain their business and offer customers reasonable, convenient ways to shop. For specialty stores, this means closing their doors and moving to online or by phone sales – an adjustment that takes away personalized interactions and the ability to build rapport with customers. Some CBD retailers operate exclusively online, so for them, their daily sales routine isn’t significantly impacted by COVID-19.

One thing that nearly all CBD retailers did not expect was the steady increase in online traffic and overall sales, as CBD draws in more curious customers who hope to reap the benefits of this amazing compound. Keeping up with increased orders is a good problem to have. Most of the passionate, reputable brands are offering attractive sales to help their customers get the support they need in this difficult time, even if it means working overtime to fulfill those orders.

For customers:
COVID-19 has posed unique challenges for just about everyone. No two stories are identical, but many Americans are experiencing one or more of the following:

  • Job loss or reduction of paid hours
  • Loss of insurance
  • Homeschooling their children
  • Personal sickness, or the sickness of a loved one
  • Coping with fighting sickness alone, or watching loved ones battle sickness from a distance
  • Financial uncertainty
  • Limited ability to exercise
  • Feeling low as a result of feeling isolated
  • Feeling disjointed from society and social groups

On their own, each of the above is a significant challenge. Some who are experiencing several of these scenarios simultaneously are faced with some of the most difficult burdens they’ve ever encountered. Those individuals are experiencing high levels of emotional fatigue and deep mental anguish, and they seem to need support and reassurance more than ever before. As a result, the hemp-derived CBD market has seen a spike in interest and in online sales.

Stay Home, Stay Safe

With fewer people going out to stores and many businesses remaining closed to avoid the spread of COVID-19, naturally, customers are turning to online purchasing as a safe, convenient shopping option. The most trusted online hemp and CBD retailers, like The Hemp Doctor, offer customers a wide array of fast-acting, long-lasting CBD products they can count on when things feel uncertain. CBD is receiving impressive accolades for its many benefits, including:

✅ Helping individuals achieve a sense of calmness when their mind feels chaotic
✅ Promoting a sense of true emotional peace and clarity
✅ Encouraging a restful, recharging night’s sleep
✅ Reducing joint fatigue
✅ Nourishing skin topically while providing targeted support to tender muscles
✅ Recharging your energy and spirit to take on the day
✅ & more!

While a standardized drug test will not test for THCP, most drug tests will test for a delta 9 THC metabolite which THCP will most likely have.

A pure, high-quality CBD product can help your overall disposition and improve head-to-toe wellness, so make sure when you shop, you’re only buying products from a reputable brand. When you’re facing many uncertain life events, the last thing you need is an ineffective, unsafe wellness product to add to your list of concerns. The Hemp Doctor, America’s Premier Hemp & CBD Dispensary, offers the highest quality CBD on the market and a true partner in your wellness journey, so you can shop with confidence with us! Every product we sell complies with the law and meets the absolute highest industry standards for quality and purity. Our premier phytocannabinoid-rich CBD is organic, non-GMO, and third-party tested for your added peace of mind. Check out our lab results here anytime!

You can browse our cutting-edge selection of full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products from the comfort of your home, and we will ship your order to your door! We even have specially-formulated THC-free pet products to support your four-legged sidekick.

We know that this is a unique and challenging time across the nation and the world, so remember: We are in this together. If you need a personal recommendation, we can help point you in the right direction. Simply contact us and we will be happy to assist you. We don’t just sell top-notch CBD – we invest in our family of customers! We want to see you living your best, healthiest life, and we hope our premier CBD can help you achieve that goal. Stay well!

Categories: CBD, Education